Dumpster Trailer

Whether you’ve got a dumpster for a restaurant or large commercial building or if you have a dumpster that you transport between job sites, when you’re moving your dumpster you should ideally have a dumpster trailer to make the job easier. While most often when transporting a dumpster you’ll want to have it strapped down on a flatbed trailer, there are some dumpster trailers that work on hydraulic systems similarly to trash trucks. If you want the best in portable dumping solutions, you should consider getting a dump trailer of the appropriate yardage that features hydraulic control to dump, lower and lift the dumpster with ease.

Transporting Dumpsters

Small yardage for dumpsters ranges between a few cubic yards of space up to around ten or fifteen cubic yards. If you have a smaller dumpster like this, you may be able to use a standard flatbed trailer so long as you have a crane machine to lift the dumpster and the nylon straps to tie it down. If you’re investing in a dumpster for the first time, getting a dumpster trailer makes transportation a snap – simply hitch up to your dumpster and ride to your job site. Unhitch the dumpster where you need it and then re-hitch when you have to empty the debris inside at the landfill. For huge dumpsters like forty cubic yard dumpsters, a semi-truck may be necessary for transportation whether the dumpster is full or not. The sheer weight in steel of a forty cubic yard dumpster is impractical to crane atop a flatbed; if you’re transporting a large dumpster be sure to hire a semi.

Trailers Designed for Dumpsters

Since dumping and waste management is an important aspect of most labor jobs, there are trailers specifically built for and as dumpsters. Flatbed trailers will work for smaller dumpsters and aren’t going to be built specifically for dumpster transport though they do the job wonderfully. Getting a trailer that’s a self-contained dumpster is more efficient. These dumpsters are custom-made and will often feature room for recycling as well as trash. While it may be expensive, it’s also possible to have a trailer designed for the size dumpster you have. Using hydraulic systems, the dumpster could be picked up, let down and emptied out. Regardless of whether you’re using an old flatbed trailer and a pulley system to get your dumpster around or if you have the latest in dumpster technology, there are trailers available in both new and used inventory that are ideal and sometimes built specifically for dumpsters.

Where to Find Dumpster Trailers

If you need a dumpster trailer, search online for deals first. There are companies such as waste management that may have equipment for sale. Also, if you check private dumping companies like 1-800-Got-Junk, you may be able to catch a deal on old trailers that are for sale and have already been replaced. Trailer manufacturers are another great place to start – typically, this is where you’ll find new inventory at a higher price.