Bear Proof Dumpster

Thinking of how to keep backyard bears away? Bear proof dumpster will do it for you. These waste receptacles are deliberately placed on parks to minimize littering as well as preserve the cleanliness of the place. They are made to store huge amounts of garbage and keep animals like bears from intruding the garbage. You can have them at your own backyard too.

As the name suggests, bear proof dumpster is a special kind of waste receptacle made to endure the powerful force that may be inflicted by the bear just to get the food treasures inside the dumpster. Bears normally have a far-reaching sense of smell and can detect foods even from long distances. The stink of decomposing garbage signifies dinner for them. Aside from becoming a threat to human safety, bears that consume garbage greedily are in the peril of swallowing dangerous materials especially when these items are mixed up with food remains. Bear proof dumpsters are designed to keep garbage smells from coming out so as not to attract bears.

Some areas require the use of bear proof dumpster to preserve the smaller number of bears alive today. This article will furnish you important information about bear proof dumpster as well as the different styles available.

About Bear Proof Dumpster

  • Structure – Bear proof dumpster is manufactured using 14-gauge steel with pointed lid to prevent snow and rain. The slanting door offers better accessibility and designed to sustain and even tolerate full bear attack. The steel receptacle features reinforced hinges, locking tops and clips to keep the doors locked. Besides, the gravity latches make dumping a whole lot easier because it releases the unloading top during the removal process.

  • Benefits – These receptacles generally help in proper and convenient waste disposal. However, the benefits also extend towards the protection of wild animals. Bears and animals don’t make good neighbors. Bears naturally hunt their food and when they become reliant to human food source such as those found in the garbage, they will stop hunting food which is very dangerous both for humans and animals in the area. Using bear proof dumpster is very useful in discouraging bears to dig up the garbage and return to their natural food hunting instincts.

  • Cost – You can have the bear proof dumpster at around $800 comprising the entire dumpster with pipe stand. Still, you may search online and ask for quotation for the bear proof dumpster that suits your needs and budget.

Different Styles of Bear Proof Dumpster

Bear proof dumpsters are available in different styles.

  • Park Style Dumpster – This type is equipped with gravity latches which release the unloading lid when emptying.
  • Pitch Top Dumpster – This heavy-duty commercial receptacle is made with easy-to-open counter-weighted doors. This also have gravity lathes for easy dumping process.
  • Counter Balance Lid Dumpster – This front-load commercial receptacle that has counter-balance lids makes opening and closing task easier. This automatically empties once upturned by the front-loader truck.

With bear proof dumpster, you are discouraging wild animals like bears to hunt food from your garbage and feed on extremely hazardous waste.